I’m Sarah, most affectionately known as Dr. Sarah Mac! …
and I am just bold enough to actually believe that the purpose that God placed in me will come to pass.
At 18, I made a promise to myself not to get in God’s way but to reach for every dream that He placed in my spirit. Since then, I have been on a journey empower other visionaries and remind them to aspire to be extraordinary. Sometimes, challenges in life may snuff out the hope and faith of dynamic change agents. My purpose is to create Wellspaces for visionaries to reengage with their purpose to heal themselves, families, and communities.
To Be Authentically Me! To create a life’s work that reflects my faith, heart, and purpose. To create healing spaces, or Well Spaces, to empower visionaries and health and wellness leaders
To Empower Change Agents! To fuel the God-give passion and purpose for young professionals and health and wellness leaders who are capable of making incredible impact on their communities.
Before Dr. Sarah Mac, there was always Sarah. A gentle girl who strived to compete with herself only, who loved to comfort and connect with others, and who always looked for and tried to understand God’s role in her life.
Through two life shifting moments, I began to strongly understand a glimpse of my purpose. At 11, I experienced a confusing and traumatic experience of abuse from a distant family member. At that point, suicidal thoughts led to an attempt to take my own life. After receiving comfort from my mother, I began to reflect on “why?” did this happen. I remember God’s whisper that if the enemy attempted to eliminate a young child, just how strong that child will become as an adult. This is where my understanding of just how meaningful my survival meant. I began to connect with the pain of others in attempts to make sure that other young girls and boys my age would “make” it despite painful and confusing experiences. I became gentle and understanding and easy to talk to. I was empowered to encourage others because I declared that the enemy could not have my life nor any of my friends’.
After practicing and learning faith and encouraging my friend-family, I noticed that I was doing well and getting ready to go to college! During the excitement of my high school senior and college freshman year, I worked hard, I loved hard, I encouraged, and I challenged myself; I also conceived a child!!!!!!!!! What!!!?! I couldn’t fathom why me…the careful one, would get caught up!!! Again, I began to reflect “why Lord?” And at 18-and-pregnant, I declared that God blessed me with an opportunity and challenge… An opportunity to obtain every dream that I ever had and a challenge to overcome the seeds of doubt and shame that were planted by having a child so young and outside of marriage. This declaration thrust me to cling to my belief that my child and my life were to bring God glory. It pushed me to never accept anything less than what God declared for my life. I wrote a list of things that I desired, which included starting a mentorship program, becoming a doctor, becoming an AKA (lol skee wee my sorors!), and being the best mommy I could ever be.
Writing this snippet, really only scratches the surface to how good God has been in my life! From an abused young child to an excited happy well-balanced high school senior….From a scared, 18-and-pregnant young woman to a loving mommy, Soror, creative entrepreneur, psychologist…Over and over God was with me through each valley and mountaintop…showing me the fruits of faithfulness and a dependence on God through it all.
So basically, Sarah is a humble kid who thought she could make a difference and through God’s grace, guidance and gifts experienced the best of what the world had to offer her! Dr. Sarah Mac is the avenue in which I can foster and promote childhood dreams through the Change Agent Mentorship Program and PowerUP Public Speaking; as well as promote God-sized purpose in parents, budding young adults seeking entreprenuership, and communities through the Kingdom Business Consultation and PowerUP Public Speaking and Community Collaboration Platforms.

Here's Some of My Story

Have you ever heard that your children are your best teachers? Well, I’ve been learning for a long time lol! In fact, my whole adult life has been a learning process of how to be a woman and a mom!
My Mikah is the sweetest gift that I could have ever received. I learned to humble myself to care for another human and help her to develop into whom God created her to be. Although she was a genie pig for all types of college projects and research in grad school (sorry Mikah), I think she turned out pretty good LOLOL. One thing that single motherhood taught me is that I am not perfect, and I embraced just that to create a life that works for us. Embracing the imperfections allows me to fully enjoy and laugh at my mistakes and build a stronger relationship through openness and love.
But the best lesson that I received was the ability to practice the love that God showed me to my daughter, while still attempting to provide firm discipline. It was a challenge, especially during the preteen years. I noticed that my attitude needed adjusting and that I would implement love and firm expectation versus criticism. I found my way and I know that this helps me have patience and understanding when helping others find their own beautifully imperfect journey through life.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Sweets keep me sweet!
What can I say?!
I love love donuts! Been my favorite since I
was a child and my dad took us to
Shipley’s donuts occasionally after
church service :)

Dancing, Singing and Cooking!

90's R&B SONG
I can’t pick just one!
But that whole Miseducation of
Lauryn Hill album stayed on replay

Habakkuk 2:2-3

Let's Connect
If the following conditions apply to you and your life, I’d love for you to schedule a Kingdom Business Consultation, PowerUP Program, or be considered for the Change Agent Mentor program!
• Kingdom Business Consultation is for the single mother interested in exploring a dream that she never had time to complete; or a father who is climbing the corporate ladder, but interested in a project he never had a moment to plan
• The Change Agent Mentor Programs is for the young adult who feels an internal drive towards passion but the pressures of life make it confusing or seemingly impossible
• PowerUP programming for married parents working hard to balancing professional life, ministry, and home life
for the business leader who knows that she has more to offer but has no space to create
• Community Collaboration for community agencies dedicated to helping youth, teens, or young adults connect with their impactful purpose

Before You Go!
Download Your Free Visionary Self-Care Checklist
Are you a visionary!? Do you have a vision or dream that you are working hard to manifest? Check out my Free Visionary Self Care Checklist to ensure you have the components to keep you balanced and healthy while continuing to do extraordinary work! Yes, you are a visionary! Sign up for my email community to check it out :)